Experimental procedure

Experimentations took place in the 4 treatment stations of phytosanitary effluents, which were set up in 2014 in the farms of the project participants.  Effluents were collected in washing areas and treated by a biological process using selected photosynthetic bacteria, added to the storage tanks.

Samples of storage tanks content have been regularly collected since 2014  :

  1. -before the beginning of phytosanitary treatment period : january to march
  2. -during the treatment period  : june to november
  3. -after the treatment period  :  november to january

Samples were collected monthly in each prototype and each storage tank. The laboratory tests allowed to :

  1. -quantify the active substances from phytopharmaceutic products;
  2. -monitor volume fluctuations  (balance beetwen inputs and water evaporation)
  3. -verify the bacterial content
Copyright : Guy LAMBERT/LESA Identification des bactéries au Laboratoire de Bioénergétique Cellulaire - CEA Cadarache

Copyright : Guy LAMBERT/LESA
Bacteria’s identification in the Laboratory of Cellular and Pathological Bioenergetics – CEA Cadarache

Samples were quantitatively analysed for about 400 active substances.

Futhermore AMPA, the highly toxic product from glyphosate degradation, was tested and quantify.